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Welcome to the group!
This is your one stop site for information for the Seamless Study. You can post questions, leave comments sharing how God is working through it, and find any updates you may need.
Starts next Thursday, October 17, at 11:15am. We will meet weekly, for 6 weeks, with the last class on Thursday, November 21. This group meets at my home. Please message me if you need an address.
In preparation for class, please watch the first video (code is on the last page of the book for video access) and complete the 5 daily devotions/lessons.
Books are $20 on Amazon.
If you want to stay for exercise (Cardio Drumming @ 1pm...please sign up under events), bring a bagged lunch and we'll take a lunch break at 12:15.
Feel free to invite a friend and we'll see you there!